User Guide

Suppose an EMQ X Cluster with two Linux nodes deployed on a cloud VPC network or a private network:

Node name IP

System Parameters

Deployed under Linux, EMQ X allows 100k concurrent connections by default. To achieve this, the system Kernel, Networking, the Erlang VM and EMQ X itself must be tuned.

System-Wide File Handles

Maximum file handles:

# 2 millions system-wide
sysctl -w fs.file-max=262144
sysctl -w fs.nr_open=262144
echo 262144 > /proc/sys/fs/nr_open

Maximum file handles for current session:

ulimit -n 262144


Add 'fs.file-max' to '/etc/sysctl.conf' and make the changes permanent:

fs.file-max = 262144


Persist the maximum number of opened file handles for users in /etc/security/limits.conf:

emqx      soft   nofile      262144
emqx      hard   nofile      262144

Note: Under Ubuntu, '/etc/systemd/system.conf' is to be modified:


EMQ X Node Name

Set the node name and cookies(required by communication between nodes)

'/etc/emqx/emqx.conf' on emqx1:   = emqx1@
node.cookie = secret_dist_cookie

'/etc/emqx/emqx.conf' on emqx2:   = emqx2@
node.cookie = secret_dist_cookie

Start EMQ X Broker

The EMQ X Broker can be downloaded at:

After downloading the package, it can be installed or unzipped directly to start running. Taking the zip package for MacOS platform as an example:

unzip && cd emqx

# Start emqx
./bin/emqx start

# Check running status
./bin/emqx_ctl status

Clustering the EMQ X Nodes

Start the two nodes, then on the emqx1@ run:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl cluster join emqx2@

Join the cluster successfully.
Cluster status: [{running_nodes,['emqx1@','emqx@']}]

or, on the emqx1@ run:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl cluster join emqx1@

Join the cluster successfully.
Cluster status: [{running_nodes,['emqx1@','emqx@']}]

Check the cluster status on any node:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl cluster status

Cluster status: [{running_nodes,['emqx1@','emqx@']}]

The default TCP ports used by the EMQ X message server include:

1883 MQTT protocol port
8883 MQTT/SSL port
8083 MQTT/WebSocket port
8080 HTTP API port
18083 Dashboard Management Console Port

MQTT publish and subscription

EMQ X Broker is a lightweight publish-subscribe message broker designed for the mobile Internet and the IoT, it currently supports MQTT v3.1.1 <>`_ and v5.0:


After EMQ X is started, devices and clients can connect to the broker through the MQTT protocol and exchange messages via Publish/Subscribe.

MQTT client library:

E.g., using mosquitto_sub/pub CLI to subscribe to topics and publish messages.

mosquitto_sub -h -p 1883 -t topic -q 2
mosquitto_pub -h -p 1883 -t topic -q 1 -m "Hello, MQTT!"

Authentication and Access Control

EMQ X Broker provides Connection Authentication and Access Control using a series of authentication plugins, whose name conforms to the pattern of emqx_auth_<name>.

In EMQ X, these two functions are:

  1. Connection authentication: EMQ X verifies whether the client on each connection has access to the system. If not, it disconnects the connection
  2. Access Control: EMQ X verifies the permissions of each Publish/Subscribe action of a client, and allows/denies the corresponding action


EMQ X Message Broker's Authentication is provided by a series of authentication plugins. It supports authentication by username, password, ClientID or anonymous.

By default, anonymous authentication is enabled. Multiple authentication modules can be started by loading the corresponding authentication plug-ins and forming an authentication chain:


** Start anonymous authentication**

Modify the etc/emqx.conf file to enable anonymous authentication:

## Allow anonymous access
## Value: true | false
allow_anonymous = true

Access Control List

EMQ X Broker implements MQTT client access control through an ACL (Access Control List).

ACL access control rule definition:

Allow|Deny Identity Subscribe|Publish Topics

When an MQTT client initiates a subscribe/publish request, the access control module of EMQ X Broker will match the ACL rules one by one until the match is successful:


Default access control settings

EMQ X Message Broker's default access control can be set in file etc/emqx.conf:

## Set whether to allow access when all ACL rules cannot match
## Value: allow | deny
acl_nomatch = allow

## Set the default file for storing ACL rules
## Value: File Name
acl_file = etc/acl.conf

The ACL rules are defined in file etc/acl.conf, which is loaded into memory when EMQ X starts:

%% Aallows 'dashboard' users to subscribe to '$SYS/#'
{allow, {user, "dashboard"}, subscribe, ["$SYS/#"]}.

%% Allows local user to publish and subscribe to all topics
{allow, {ipaddr, ""}, pubsub, ["$SYS/#", "#"]}.

%% Deny all the users to subscribe to '$SYS/#' and '#' topics except local users
{deny, all, subscribe, ["$SYS/#", {eq, "#"}]}.

%% Allows any situation other than the above rules
{allow, all}.

The authentication plugins provided by EMQ X include:

plugins description
emqx_auth_clientid ClientId authentication plugin
emqx_auth_username username and password authentication plugin
emqx_auth_jwt JWT authentication plugin
emqx_auth_ldap LDAP authentication plugin
emqx_auth_http HTTP authentication plugin
emqx_auth_mysql MySQ Lauthentication plugin
emqx_auth_pgsql Postgre authentication plugin
emqx_auth_redis Redis authentication plugin
emqx_auth_mongo MongoDB authentication plugin

For the configuration and usage of each authentication plug-in, please refer to authentication section of the Plugins.


Multiple auth plug-ins can be started at the same time. The plug-in that starts first checks first.

In addition, EMQ X also supports the use of PSK (Pre-shared Key) for authentication. However, the authentication chain mentioned above is not used in this case. The verification is done during the SSL handshake. For details please refer to Pre-shared Key and emqx_psk_file

Shared Subscription

The EMQ X R3.0 supports cluster-level shared subscriptions that supports multiple message delivery strategies:


Shared subscriptions support two usage methods:

Subscription prefix Example
$queue/ mosquitto_sub -t '$queue/topic'
$share/<group>/ mosquitto_sub -t '$share/group/topic'


mosquitto_sub -t '$share/group/topic'

mosquitto_pub -t 'topic' -m msg -q 2

The dispatch strategy for shared messages can be configured by the broker.shared_subscription_strategy field in the etc/emqx.conf

The following strategies are supported by EMQ X to distribute messages:

Strategy Description
random Random among all shared subscribers
round_robin According to subscription order
sticky The last dispatched subscriber is picked
hash Hash value of the ClientId of publisher


When all subscribers are offline, a subscriber will still be picked and stored in the message queue of its Session.


Bridging two EMQ X Nodes

The concept of bridging is that EMQ X forwards messages of some of its topics to another MQTT Broker in some way.

Difference between Bridge and cluster is that bridge does not replicate topic trees and routing tables, a bridge only forwards MQTT messages based on bridging rules.

Currently the bridging methods supported by EMQ X are as follows:

  • RPC bridge: RPC Bridge only supports message forwarding and does not support subscribing to the topic of remote nodes to synchronize data.
  • MQTT Bridge: MQTT Bridge supports both forwarding and data synchronization through subscription topic

The concept is shown below:


In addition, the EMQ X supports multi-node bridge mode interconnection:


In EMQ X, bridge is configured by modifying etc/plugins/emqx_bridge_mqtt.conf. EMQ X distinguishes between different bridges based on different names. E.g:

## Bridge address: node name for local bridge, host:port for remote. =

This configuration declares a bridge named aws and specifies that it is bridged to the MQTT server of by MQTT mode.

In case of creating multiple bridges, it is convenient to replicate all configuration items of the first bridge, and modify the bridge name and other configuration items if necessary (such as bridge.mqtt.$name.address, where $name refers to the name of bridge)

The next two sections describe how to create a bridge in RPC and MQTT mode respectively and create a forwarding rule that forwards the messages from sensors. Assuming that two EMQ X nodes are running on two hosts:

Name Node MQTT port
emqx1 emqx1@ 1883
emqx2 emqx2@ 1883

EMQ X Node RPC Bridge Configuration

The following is the basic configuration of RPC bridging. The simplest RPC bridging only needs to configure the following three items:

## Bridge Address: Use node name (nodename@host) for rpc bridging, and host:port for mqtt connection = emqx2@

## Forwarding topics of the message = sensor1/#,sensor2/#

## bridged mountpoint = bridge/emqx2/${node}/

If the message received by the local emqx1 node matches the topic sersor1/# or sensor2/#, these messages will be forwarded to the sensor1/# or sensor2/# topic of the remote emqx2 node.

forwards is used to specify topics. Messages of the in forwards specified topics on local node are forwarded to the remote node.

mountpoint is used to add a topic prefix when forwarding a message. To use mountpoint, the forwards directive must be set. In the above example, a message with the topic sensor1/hello received by the local node will be forwarded to the remote node with the topic bridge/emqx2/emqx1@

Limitations of RPC bridging:

  1. The RPC bridge of emqx can only forward local messages to the remote bridge node, and cannot synchronize the messages of the remote bridge node to the local node;
  2. RPC bridge can only bridge two EMQ X together and cannot bridge EMQ X to other mqtt brokers.

EMQ X Node MQTT Bridge Configuration

EMQ X 3.0 officially introduced MQTT bridge, so that EMQ X can bridge any MQTT broker. Because of the characteristics of the MQTT protocol, EMQ X can subscribe to the remote mqtt broker's topic through MQTT bridge, and then synchronize the remote MQTT broker's message to the local.

EMQ X MQTT bridging principle: Create an MQTT client on the EMQ X broker, and connect this MQTT client to the remote MQTT broker. Therefore, in the MQTT bridge configuration, following fields may be set for the EMQ X to connect to the remote broker as an mqtt client:

## Bridge Address: Use node name for rpc bridging, use host:port for mqtt connection =

## Bridged Protocol Version
## Enumeration value: mqttv3 | mqttv4 | mqttv5 = mqttv4

## mqtt client's client_id = bridge_emq

## mqtt client's clean_start field
## Note: Some MQTT Brokers need to set the clean_start value as `true` = true

##  mqtt client's username field = user

## mqtt client's password field = passwd

## Whether the mqtt client uses ssl to connect to a remote serve or not = off

## CA Certificate of Client SSL Connection (PEM format) = etc/certs/cacert.pem

## SSL certificate of Client SSL connection = etc/certs/client-cert.pem

## Key file of Client SSL connection = etc/certs/client-key.pem


## TTLS PSK password
## Note 'listener.ssl.external.ciphers' and 'listener.ssl.external.psk_ciphers' cannot be configured at the same time
## See ''.

## Client's heartbeat interval = 60s

## Supported TLS version = tlsv1.2,tlsv1.1,tlsv1

## Forwarding topics of the message = sensor1/#,sensor2/#

## Bridged mountpoint = bridge/emqx2/${node}/

## Subscription topic for bridging = cmd/topic1

## Subscription qos for bridging = 1

## Subscription topic for bridging = cmd/topic2

## Subscription qos for bridging = 1

## Bridging reconnection interval
## Default: 30s = 30s

## QoS1 message retransmission interval = 20s

## Inflight Size. = 32

EMQ X Bridge Cache Configuration

The bridge of EMQ X has a message caching mechanism. The caching mechanism is applicable to both RPC bridging and MQTT bridging. When the bridge is disconnected (such as when the network connection is unstable), the messages with a topic specified in forwards can be cached to the local message queue. Until the bridge is restored, these messages are re-forwarded to the remote node. The configuration of the cache queue is as follows:

## emqx_bridge internal number of messages used for batch = 32

##  emqx_bridge internal number of message bytes used for batch = 1000MB

## The path for placing replayq queue. If the item is not specified in the configuration, then replayq will run in `mem-only` mode and messages will not be cached on disk. = data/emqx_emqx2_bridge/

## Replayq data segment size = 10MB

bridge.emqx2.queue.replayq_dir is a configuration parameter for specifying the path of the bridge storage queue. is used to specify the size of the largest single file of the message queue that is cached on disk. If the message queue size exceeds the specified value, a new file is created to store the message queue.

CLI for EMQ X Bridge

CLI for EMQ X Bridge:

$ cd emqx1/ && ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges
bridges list                                    # List bridges
bridges start <Name>                            # Start a bridge
bridges stop <Name>                             # Stop a bridge
bridges forwards <Name>                         # Show a bridge forward topic
bridges add-forward <Name> <Topic>              # Add bridge forward topic
bridges del-forward <Name> <Topic>              # Delete bridge forward topic
bridges subscriptions <Name>                    # Show a bridge subscriptions topic
bridges add-subscription <Name> <Topic> <Qos>   # Add bridge subscriptions topic

List all bridge states

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges list
name: emqx     status: Stopped

Start the specified bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges start emqx
Start bridge successfully.

Stop the specified bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges stop emqx
Stop bridge successfully.

List the forwarding topics for the specified bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges forwards emqx
topic:   topic1/#
topic:   topic2/#

Add a forwarding topic for the specified bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges add-forwards emqx topic3/#
Add-forward topic successfully.

Delete the forwarding topic for the specified bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges del-forwards emqx topic3/#
Del-forward topic successfully.

List subscriptions for the specified bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges subscriptions emqx
topic: cmd/topic1, qos: 1
topic: cmd/topic2, qos: 1

Add a subscription topic for the specified bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges add-subscription emqx cmd/topic3 1
Add-subscription topic successfully.

Delete the subscription topic for the specified bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges del-subscription emqx cmd/topic3
Del-subscription topic successfully.

Note: In case of creating multiple bridges, it is convenient to replicate all configuration items of the first bridge, and modify the bridge name and other configuration items if necessary.

HTTP Publish API

The EMQ X message server provides an HTTP publish interface through which an application server or web server can publish MQTT messages:

HTTP POST http://host:8080/api/v3/mqtt/publish

Web servers such as PHP/Java/Python/NodeJS or Ruby on Rails can publish MQTT messages via HTTP POST requests:

curl -v --basic -u user:passwd -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
'{"qos":1, "retain": false, "topic":"world", "payload":"test" , "client_id": "C_1492145414740"}' \-k http://localhost:8080/api/v3/mqtt/publish

HTTP interface parameters:

parameter description
client_id MQTT client ID
qos QoS: 0 | 1 | 2
retain Retain: true | false
topic Topic
payload message payload


HTTP publishing interface uses authentication of Basic . The user and password in the above example are from the AppId and password in the Applications of Dashboard.

MQTT WebSocket Connection

EMQ X also supports WebSocket connections, web browsers or applications can connect directly to the broker via WebSocket:

WebSocket URI: ws(s)://host:8083/mqtt
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: 'mqttv3.1' or 'mqttv3.1.1'

The Dashboard plugin provides a test tool for an MQTT WebSocket connection:

$SYS - System topic

The EMQ X Broker periodically publishes its running status, message statistics, client online and offline events to the system topic starting with $SYS/.

The $SYS topic path begins with $SYS/brokers/{node}/. {node} is the name of the node where the event/message is generated, for example:




By default, only the MQTT client on localhost is allowed to subscribe to the $SYS topic, this can be changed by modifying the access control rules in file etc/acl.config.

$SYS system message publish interval is configured in etc/emqx.conf:

## System interval of publishing $SYS messages.
## Value: Duration
## Default: 1m, 1 minute
broker.sys_interval = 1m

Cluster status information

Topic Description
$SYS/brokers cluster node list
$SYS/brokers/${node}/version EMQ X broker version
$SYS/brokers/${node}/uptime EMQ X broker startup time
$SYS/brokers/${node}/datetime EMQ X broker time
$SYS/brokers/${node}/sysdescr EMQ X broker Description

Client Online and Offline Events

$SYS topic prefix: $SYS/brokers/${node}/clients/

Topic Description
${clientid}/connected Online event. This message is published when a client goes online.
${clientid}/disconnected Offline event. This message is published when a client is offline

The Payload of the 'connected' event message can be parsed into JSON format:


The Payload of the 'disconnected' event message can be parsed into JSON format:



System topic prefix: $SYS/brokers/${node}/stats/

Client statistics

Topic Description
connections/count Total number of current clients
connections/max Maximum number of clients

Session statistics

Topic Description
sessions/count Total number of current sessions
sessions/max maximum number of sessions
sessions/persistent/count Total number of persistent sessions
sessions/persistent/max maximum number of persistent sessions

Subscription statistics

Topic Description
suboptions/count number of current subscription options
suboptions/max total number of maximum subscription options
subscribers/max total number of maximum subscribers
subscribers/count number of current subscribers
subscriptions/max maximum number of subscriptions
subscriptions/count total number of current subscription
subscriptions/shared/count total number of current shared subscriptions
subscriptions/shared/max maximum number of shared subscriptions

Topic statistics

Topic Description
topics/count total number of current topics
topics/max maximum number of topics

Routes statistics

Topic Description
routes/count total number of current Routes
routes/max maximum number of Routes


The topics/count and topics/max are numerically equal to routes/count and routes/max.

Throughput (bytes/packets/message) statistics

System Topic Prefix: $SYS/brokers/${node}/metrics/

sent and received bytes statistics

Topic Description
bytes/received Accumulated received bytes
bytes/sent Accumulated sent bytes

sent and received MQTT packets statistics

Topic Description
packets/received Accumulative received MQTT packets
packets/sent Accumulative sent MQTT packets
packets/connect Accumulative received packets of MQTT CONNECT
packets/connack Accumulative sent packets of MQTT CONNACK
packets/publish/received Accumulative received packets of MQTT PUBLISH
packets/publish/sent Accumulative sent packets of MQTT PUBLISH
packets/puback/received Accumulative received packets of MQTT PUBACK
packets/puback/sent Accumulative sent packets of MQTT PUBACK
packets/puback/missed Accumulative missed packets of MQTT PUBACK
packets/pubrec/received Accumulative received packets of MQTT PUBREC
packets/pubrec/sent Accumulative sent packets of MQTT PUBREC
packets/pubrec/missed Accumulative missed packets of MQTT PUBREC
packets/pubrel/received Accumulative received packets of MQTT PUBREL
packets/pubrel/sent Accumulative sent packets of MQTT PUBREL
packets/pubrel/missed Accumulative missed packets of MQTT PUBREL
packets/pubcomp/received Accumulative received packets of MQTT PUBCOMP
packets/pubcomp/sent Accumulative sent packets of MQTT PUBCOMP
packets/pubcomp/missed Accumulative missed packets of MQTT PUBCOMP
packets/subscribe Accumulative received packets of MQTT SUBSCRIBE
packets/suback Accumulative sent packets of MQTT SUBACK
packets/unsubscribe Accumulative received packets of MQTT UNSUBSCRIBE
packets/unsuback Accumulative sent packets of MQTT UNSUBACK
packets/pingreq Accumulative received packets of MQTT PINGREQ
packets/pingresp Accumulative sent packets of MQTT PINGRESP
packets/disconnect/received Accumulative received packets of MQTT DISCONNECT
packets/disconnect/sent Accumulative sent packets of MQTT MQTT DISCONNECT
packets/auth Accumulative received packets of MQTT Auth

MQTT sent and received messages statistics

Topic Description
messages/received Accumulative received messages
messages/sent Accumulative sent messages
messages/expired Accumulative expired messages
messages/retained Accumulative retained messages
messages/dropped Total number of dropped messages
messages/forward Total number of messages forwarded by the node
messages/qos0/received Accumulative received messages of QoS0
messages/qos0/sent Accumulative sent messages of QoS0
messages/qos1/received Accumulative received messages QoS1
messages/qos1/sent Accumulative sent messages QoS1
messages/qos2/received Accumulative received messages of QoS2
messages/qos2/sent Accumulative sent messages of QoS2
messages/qos2/expired Total number of expired messages of QoS2
messages/qos2/dropped Total number of dropped messages of QoS2

Alarms - system alarms

System Topic Prefix: $SYS/brokers/${node}/alarms/

Topic Description
alert newly generated alarm
clear cleared alarm

Sysmon - system monitoring

System Topic Prefix: $SYS/brokers/${node}/sysmon/

Topic Description
long_gc GC Overtime alarm
long_schedule Alarm for Excessive Scheduling Time
large_heap ALarm for Heap Memory Occupancy
busy_port Alarm for Port busy
busy_dist_port Alarm for Dist Port busy


EMQ X message server supports tracing all messages from a client or published to a topic.

Trace messages from the client:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log primary-level debug

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace start client "clientid" "trace_clientid.log" debug

Trace messages published to a topic:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log primary-level debug

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace start topic "t/#" "trace_topic.log" debug

Query trace:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace list

Stop trace:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace stop client "clientid"

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace stop topic "topic"