
EMQ X can bridge and forward messages to Kafka, RabbitMQ or other EMQ X nodes. Meanwhile, mosquitto and rsm can be bridged to EMQ X using common MQTT connection.

List of Bridge Plugins

Bridge Plugin Config File Description
emqx_bridge_kafka emqx_bridge_kafka.conf Kafka Bridge
emqx_bridge_rabbit emqx_bridge_rabbit.conf RabbitMQ Bridge
emqx_bridge_pulsar emqx_bridge_pulsar.conf Pulsar Bridge
emqx_bridge_mqtt emqx_bridge_mqtt.conf MQTT Broker Bridge

Kafka Bridge

EMQ X bridges and forwards MQTT messages to Kafka cluster:


Config file for Kafka bridge plugin: etc/plugins/emqx_bridge_kafka.conf

Configure Kafka Cluster

## Kafka Server
## bridge.kafka.servers =,,
bridge.kafka.servers =

## Kafka Parition Strategy. option value: per_partition | per_broker
bridge.kafka.connection_strategy = per_partition

bridge.kafka.min_metadata_refresh_interval = 5S

## Produce writes type. option value: sync | async
bridge.kafka.produce = sync

bridge.kafka.produce.sync_timeout = 3S

## Base directory for replayq to store messages on disk.
## If this config entry if missing or set to undefined,
## replayq works in a mem-only manner.
## i.e. messages are not queued on disk -- in such case,
## the send or send_sync API callers are responsible for
## possible message loss in case of application,
## network or kafka disturbances. For instance,
## in the wolff:send API caller may trap_exit then
## react on parition-producer worker pid's 'EXIT'
## message to issue a retry after restarting the producer.
## bridge.kafka.replayq_dir = /tmp/emqx_bridge_kafka/

## default=10MB, replayq segment size.
## bridge.kafka.producer.replayq_seg_bytes = 10MB

## producer required_acks. option value all_isr | leader_only | none.
bridge.kafka.producer.required_acks = none

## default=10000. Timeout leader wait for replicas before reply to producer.
## bridge.kafka.producer.ack_timeout = 10S

## default number of message sets sent on wire before block waiting for acks
## bridge.kafka.producer.max_batch_bytes = 1024KB

## by default, send max 1 MB of data in one batch (message set)
## bridge.kafka.producer.min_batch_bytes = 0

## Number of batches to be sent ahead without receiving ack for the last request.
## Must be 0 if messages must be delivered in strict order.
## bridge.kafka.producer.max_send_ahead = 0

## by default, no compression
# bridge.kafka.producer.compression = no_compression

# bridge.kafka.encode_payload_type = base64

# bridge.kafka.sock.buffer = 32KB
# bridge.kafka.sock.recbuf = 32KB
bridge.kafka.sock.sndbuf = 1MB
# bridge.kafka.sock.read_packets = 20

Configure Kafka Bridge Hooks

## Bridge Kafka Hooks
## ${topic}: the kafka topics to which the messages will be published.
## ${filter}: the mqtt topic (may contain wildcard) on which the action will be performed .

bridge.kafka.hook.client.connected.1     = {"topic": "client_connected"}
bridge.kafka.hook.client.disconnected.1  = {"topic": "client_disconnected"}
bridge.kafka.hook.session.subscribed.1   = {"filter": "#",  "topic": "session_subscribed"}
bridge.kafka.hook.session.unsubscribed.1 = {"filter": "#",  "topic": "session_unsubscribed"}
bridge.kafka.hook.message.publish.1      = {"filter": "#",  "topic": "message_publish"}
bridge.kafka.hook.message.delivered.1    = {"filter": "#",  "topic": "message_delivered"}
bridge.kafka.hook.message.acked.1        = {"filter": "#",  "topic": "message_acked"}

Description of Kafka Bridge Hooks

Event Description
bridge.kafka.hook.client.connected.1 Client connected
bridge.kafka.hook.client.disconnected.1 Client disconnected
bridge.kafka.hook.session.subscribed.1 Topics subscribed
bridge.kafka.hook.session.unsubscribed.1 Topics unsubscribed
bridge.kafka.hook.message.publish.1 Messages published
bridge.kafka.hook.message.delivered.1 Messages delivered
bridge.kafka.hook.message.acked.1 Messages acknowledged

Forward Client Connected / Disconnected Events to Kafka

Client goes online, EMQ X forwards 'client_connected' event message to Kafka:

topic = "client_connected",
value = {
         "client_id": ${clientid},
         "node": ${node},
         "ts": ${ts}

Client goes offline, EMQ X forwards 'client_disconnected' event message to Kafka:

topic = "client_disconnected",
value = {
        "client_id": ${clientid},
        "reason": ${reason},
        "node": ${node},
        "ts": ${ts}

Forward Subscription Event to Kafka

topic = session_subscribed

value = {
         "client_id": ${clientid},
         "topic": ${topic},
         "qos": ${qos},
         "node": ${node},
         "ts": ${timestamp}

Forward Unsubscription Event to Kafka

topic = session_unsubscribed

value = {
         "client_id": ${clientid},
         "topic": ${topic},
         "qos": ${qos},
         "node": ${node},
         "ts": ${timestamp}

Forward MQTT Messages to Kafka

topic = message_publish

value = {
         "client_id": ${clientid},
         "username": ${username},
         "topic": ${topic},
         "payload": ${payload},
         "qos": ${qos},
         "node": ${node},
         "ts": ${timestamp}

Forwarding MQTT Message Deliver Event to Kafka

topic = message_delivered

value = {"client_id": ${clientid},
         "username": ${username},
         "from": ${fromClientId},
         "topic": ${topic},
         "payload": ${payload},
         "qos": ${qos},
         "node": ${node},
         "ts": ${timestamp}

Forwarding MQTT Message Ack Event to Kafka

topic = message_acked

value = {
         "client_id": ${clientid},
         "username": ${username},
         "from": ${fromClientId},
         "topic": ${topic},
         "payload": ${payload},
         "qos": ${qos},
         "node": ${node},
         "ts": ${timestamp}

Examples of Kafka Message Consumption

Kafka consumes MQTT clients connected / disconnected event messages:

sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic client_connected --from-beginning

sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic client_disconnected --from-beginning

Kafka consumes MQTT subscription messages:

sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic session_subscribed --from-beginning

sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic session_unsubscribed --from-beginning

Kafka consumes MQTT published messages:

sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic message_publish --from-beginning

Kafka consumes MQTT message Deliver and Ack event messages:

sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic message_delivered --from-beginning

sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic message_acked --from-beginning


the payload is base64 encoded

Enable Kafka Bridge

./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_bridge_kafka

RabbitMQ Bridge

EMQ X bridges and forwards MQTT messages to RabbitMQ cluster:


Config file of RabbitMQ bridge plugin: etc/plugins/emqx_bridge_rabbit.conf

Configure RabbitMQ Cluster

## Rabbit Brokers Server
bridge.rabbit.1.server =

## Rabbit Brokers pool_size
bridge.rabbit.1.pool_size = 4

## Rabbit Brokers username
bridge.rabbit.1.username = guest

## Rabbit Brokers password
bridge.rabbit.1.password = guest

## Rabbit Brokers virtual_host
bridge.rabbit.1.virtual_host = /

## Rabbit Brokers heartbeat
bridge.rabbit.1.heartbeat = 30

# bridge.rabbit.2.server =

# bridge.rabbit.2.pool_size = 8

# bridge.rabbit.2.username = guest

# bridge.rabbit.2.password = guest

# bridge.rabbit.2.virtual_host = /

# bridge.rabbit.2.heartbeat = 30

Configure RabbitMQ Bridge Hooks

## Bridge Hooks
bridge.rabbit.hook.client.subscribe.1 = {"action": "on_client_subscribe", "rabbit": 1, "exchange": "direct:emq.subscription"}

bridge.rabbit.hook.client.unsubscribe.1 = {"action": "on_client_unsubscribe", "rabbit": 1, "exchange": "direct:emq.unsubscription"}

bridge.rabbit.hook.message.publish.1 = {"topic": "$SYS/#", "action": "on_message_publish", "rabbit": 1, "exchange": "topic:emq.$sys"}

bridge.rabbit.hook.message.publish.2 = {"topic": "#", "action": "on_message_publish", "rabbit": 1, "exchange": ""}

bridge.rabbit.hook.message.acked.1 = {"topic": "#", "action": "on_message_acked", "rabbit": 1, "exchange": "topic:emq.acked"}

Forward Subscription Event to RabbitMQ

routing_key = subscribe
exchange = emq.subscription
headers = [{<<"x-emq-client-id">>, binary, ClientId}]
payload = jsx:encode([{Topic, proplists:get_value(qos, Opts)} || {Topic, Opts} <- TopicTable])

Forward Unsubscription Event to RabbitMQ

routing_key = unsubscribe
exchange = emq.unsubscription
headers = [{<<"x-emq-client-id">>, binary, ClientId}]
payload = jsx:encode([Topic || {Topic, _Opts} <- TopicTable]),

Forward MQTT Messages to RabbitMQ

routing_key = binary:replace(binary:replace(Topic, <<"/">>, <<".">>, [global]),<<"+">>, <<"*">>, [global])
exchange = emq.$sys |
headers = [{<<"x-emq-publish-qos">>, byte, Qos},
           {<<"x-emq-client-id">>, binary, pub_from(From)},
           {<<"x-emq-publish-msgid">>, binary, emqx_base62:encode(Id)}]
payload = Payload

Forward MQTT Message Ack Event to RabbitMQ

routing_key = puback
exchange = emq.acked
headers = [{<<"x-emq-msg-acked">>, binary, ClientId}],
payload = emqx_base62:encode(Id)

Example of RabbitMQ Subscription Message Consumption

Sample code of Rabbit message Consumption in Python:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import pika
import sys

connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host='localhost'))
channel =

channel.exchange_declare(exchange='direct:emq.subscription', exchange_type='direct')

result = channel.queue_declare(exclusive=True)
queue_name = result.method.queue

channel.queue_bind(exchange='direct:emq.subscription', queue=queue_name, routing_key= 'subscribe')

def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
    print(" [x] %r:%r" % (method.routing_key, body))

channel.basic_consume(callback, queue=queue_name, no_ack=True)


Sample of RabbitMQ client coding in other programming languages:

Enable RabbitMQ Bridge

./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_bridge_rabbit

Pulsar Bridge

EMQ X bridges and forwards MQTT messages to Pulsar cluster:


Config file for Pulsar bridge plugin: etc/plugins/emqx_bridge_pulsar.conf

Configure Pulsar Cluster

## Pulsar Server
bridge.pulsar.servers =

## Pick a partition producer and sync/async
bridge.pulsar.produce = sync

## bridge.pulsar.produce.sync_timeout = 3s

## bridge.pulsar.producer.batch_size = 1000

## by default, no compression
## bridge.pulsar.producer.compression = no_compression

## bridge.pulsar.encode_payload_type = base64

## bridge.pulsar.sock.buffer = 32KB
## bridge.pulsar.sock.recbuf = 32KB
bridge.pulsar.sock.sndbuf = 1MB
## bridge.pulsar.sock.read_packets = 20

Configure Pulsar Bridge Hooks

## Bridge Pulsar Hooks
## ${topic}: the pulsar topics to which the messages will be published.
## ${filter}: the mqtt topic (may contain wildcard) on which the action will be performed .

## Client Connected Record Hook
bridge.pulsar.hook.client.connected.1     = {"topic": "client_connected"}

## Client Disconnected Record Hook
bridge.pulsar.hook.client.disconnected.1  = {"topic": "client_disconnected"}

## Session Subscribed Record Hook
bridge.pulsar.hook.session.subscribed.1   = {"filter": "#",  "topic": "session_subscribed"}

## Session Unsubscribed Record Hook
bridge.pulsar.hook.session.unsubscribed.1 = {"filter": "#",  "topic": "session_unsubscribed"}

## Message Publish Record Hook
bridge.pulsar.hook.message.publish.1      = {"filter": "#",  "topic": "message_publish"}

## Message Delivered Record Hook
bridge.pulsar.hook.message.delivered.1    = {"filter": "#",  "topic": "message_delivered"}

## Message Acked Record Hook
bridge.pulsar.hook.message.acked.1        = {"filter": "#",  "topic": "message_acked"}

## More Configures
## partitioner strategy:
## Option:  random | roundrobin | first_key_dispatch
## Example: bridge.pulsar.hook.message.publish.1 = {"filter":"#", "topic":"message_publish", "strategy":"random"}

## key:
## Option: ${clientid} | ${username}
## Example: bridge.pulsar.hook.message.publish.1 = {"filter":"#", "topic":"message_publish", "key":"${clientid}"}

## format:
## Option: json | json
## Example: bridge.pulsar.hook.message.publish.1 = {"filter":"#", "topic":"message_publish", "format":"json"}

Description of Pulsar Bridge Hooks

Event Description
bridge.pulsar.hook.client.connected.1 Client connected
bridge.pulsar.hook.client.disconnected.1 Client disconnected
bridge.pulsar.hook.session.subscribed.1 Topics subscribed
bridge.pulsar.hook.session.unsubscribed.1 Topics unsubscribed
bridge.pulsar.hook.message.publish.1 Messages published
bridge.pulsar.hook.message.delivered.1 Messages delivered
bridge.pulsar.hook.message.acked.1 Messages acknowledged

Forward Client Connected / Disconnected Events to Pulsar

Client goes online, EMQ X forwards 'client_connected' event message to Pulsar:

topic = "client_connected",
value = {
         "client_id": ${clientid},
         "username": ${username},
         "node": ${node},
         "ts": ${ts}

Client goes offline, EMQ X forwards 'client_disconnected' event message to Pulsar:

topic = "client_disconnected",
value = {
         "client_id": ${clientid},
         "username": ${username},
         "reason": ${reason},
         "node": ${node},
         "ts": ${ts}

Forward Subscription Event to Pulsar

topic = session_subscribed

value = {
         "client_id": ${clientid},
         "topic": ${topic},
         "qos": ${qos},
         "node": ${node},
         "ts": ${timestamp}

Forward Unsubscription Event to Pulsar

topic = session_unsubscribed

value = {
         "client_id": ${clientid},
         "topic": ${topic},
         "qos": ${qos},
         "node": ${node},
         "ts": ${timestamp}

Forward MQTT Messages to Pulsar

topic = message_publish

value = {
         "client_id": ${clientid},
         "username": ${username},
         "topic": ${topic},
         "payload": ${payload},
         "qos": ${qos},
         "node": ${node},
         "ts": ${timestamp}

Forwarding MQTT Message Deliver Event to Pulsar

topic = message_delivered

value = {"client_id": ${clientid},
         "username": ${username},
         "from": ${fromClientId},
         "topic": ${topic},
         "payload": ${payload},
         "qos": ${qos},
         "node": ${node},
         "ts": ${timestamp}

Forwarding MQTT Message Ack Event to Pulsar

topic = message_acked

value = {
         "client_id": ${clientid},
         "username": ${username},
         "from": ${fromClientId},
         "topic": ${topic},
         "payload": ${payload},
         "qos": ${qos},
         "node": ${node},
         "ts": ${timestamp}

Examples of Pulsar Message Consumption

Pulsar consumes MQTT clients connected / disconnected event messages:

sh pulsar-client consume client_connected  -s "client_connected" -n 1000

sh pulsar-client consume client_disconnected  -s "client_disconnected" -n 1000

Pulsar consumes MQTT subscription messages:

sh pulsar-client consume session_subscribed  -s "session_subscribed" -n 1000

sh pulsar-client consume session_unsubscribed  -s "session_unsubscribed" -n 1000

Pulsar consumes MQTT published messages:

sh pulsar-client consume message_publish  -s "message_publish" -n 1000

Pulsar consumes MQTT message Deliver and Ack event messages:

sh pulsar-client consume message_delivered  -s "message_delivered" -n 1000

sh pulsar-client consume message_acked  -s "message_acked" -n 1000


the payload is base64 encoded default

Enable Pulsar Bridge

./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_bridge_pulsar

MQTT Bridge

EMQ X bridges and forwards MQTT messages to MQTT Broker:


Config file for MQTT bridge plugin: etc/plugins/emqx_bridge_mqtt.conf

Configure MQTT Bridge

## Bridge address: node name for local bridge, host:port for remote =

## Protocol version of the bridge: mqttv3 | mqttv4 | mqttv5 = mqttv4

## Whether to enable bridge mode for mqtt bridge = true

## The ClientId of a remote bridge = bridge_aws

## The Clean start flag of a remote bridge
## NOTE: Some IoT platforms require clean_start must be set to 'true' = true

## The username for a remote bridge = user

## The password for a remote bridge = passwd

## Bribge to remote server via SSL = off

## PEM-encoded CA certificates of the bridge = etc/certs/cacert.pem

## Client SSL Certfile of the bridge = etc/certs/client-cert.pem

## Client SSL Keyfile of the bridge = etc/certs/client-key.pem

## SSL Ciphers used by the bridge = ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384,ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384

## Ciphers for TLS PSK
## Note that 'bridge.${BridgeName}.ciphers' and 'bridge.${BridgeName}.psk_ciphers' cannot be configured at the same time.

## Ping interval of a down bridge. = 60s

## TLS versions used by the bridge. = tlsv1.2,tlsv1.1,tlsv1

Configure Topics MQTT Bridge Forwards and Subscribes

## Mountpoint of the bridge = bridge/aws/${node}/

## Forward message topics = topic1/#,topic2/#

## Subscriptions of the bridge topic = cmd/topic1

## Subscriptions of the bridge qos = 1

## Subscriptions of the bridge topic = cmd/topic2

## Subscriptions of the bridge qos = 1

Description of Topics MQTT Bridge Forwards and Subscribes

Mountpoint: Mountpoint is used to prefix of topic when forwarding a message, this option must be used with forwards. Forwards the message whose topic is "sensor1/hello", its topic will change to "bridge/aws/emqx1@" when it reaches the remote node.

Forwards: Messages forwarded to forwards specified by local EMQ X are forwarded to the remote MQTT Broker.

Subscription: Local EMQ X synchronizes messages from a remote MQTT Broker to local by subscribing to the topic of the remote MQTT Broker.

Enable MQTT Bridge

./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_bridge_mqtt

Bridge CLI Command

$ cd emqx && ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges
bridges list                                    # List bridges
bridges start <Name>                            # Start a bridge
bridges stop <Name>                             # Stop a bridge
bridges forwards <Name>                         # Show a bridge forward topic
bridges add-forward <Name> <Topic>              # Add bridge forward topic
bridges del-forward <Name> <Topic>              # Delete bridge forward topic
bridges subscriptions <Name>                    # Show a bridge subscriptions topic
bridges add-subscription <Name> <Topic> <Qos>   # Add bridge subscriptions topic

List Status of All Bridges

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges list
name: emqx     status: Stopped

Start Specified Bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges start emqx
Start bridge successfully.

Stop Specified Bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges stop emqx
Stop bridge successfully.

List Forwarded Topic of Specified Bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges forwards emqx
topic:   topic1/#
topic:   topic2/#

Add Forwarded Topic for Specified Bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges add-forwards emqx topic3/#
Add-forward topic successfully.

Delete Forwarded Topic for Specified Bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges del-forwards emqx topic3/#
Del-forward topic successfully.

List Subscriptions of Specified Bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges subscriptions emqx
topic: cmd/topic1, qos: 1
topic: cmd/topic2, qos: 1

Add Subscriptions for Specified Bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges add-subscription emqx cmd/topic3 1
Add-subscription topic successfully.

Delete Subscriptions of Specified Bridge

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges del-subscription emqx cmd/topic3
Del-subscription topic successfully.

RPC Bridge

EMQ X bridges and forwards MQTT messages to remote EMQ X:


Config file for RPC bridge plugin: etc/plugins/emqx_bridge_mqtt.conf

Configure Broker Address for RPC Bridge

bridge.mqtt.emqx.address = emqx2@

Configure Topics RPC Bridge Forwards and Subscribes

## Mountpoint of the bridge
bridge.mqtt.emqx.mountpoint = bridge/emqx1/${node}/

## Forward message topics
bridge.mqtt.emqx.forwards = topic1/#,topic2/#

Mountpoint: Mountpoint is used to prefix of topic when forwarding a message, this option must be used with forwards. Forwards the message whose topic is "sensor1/hello", its topic will change to "bridge/aws/emqx1@" when it reaches the remote node.

Forwards: Messages forwarded to forwards specified by local EMQ X are forwarded to the remote EMQ X.

Bridge CLI Command

CLI of RPC bridge is used in the same way as the MQTT bridge.